KROMO, based in Castelfranco Veneto (Italy), Via Mestre 3, as Controller of the Treatment of Personal Data (from now on, referred as : “The Controller”), releases the present notice to the person(s) concerned, in accordance with the European and Italian Norms related to Personal Data protection.

Purpose of the processing
The Controller treats all the supplier data with the aim of fulfilling any contractual obligations and norms related to the existing business relationship, as well as pursuing the legitimate interest to carry out in its regard qualification and/or monitoring processes, handling of eventual disputes and, in general, manage the correct handling of the relationship itself.
The legal basis of the treatment takes form from the need to achieve the previously mentioned objectives.

Data retention
The controller will handle the Supplier data for the whole duration of the commercial relationship and, after that, for fulfilling all related and consequential duties deriving from the relationship itself, according to the timing prescribed by Law, and according to the limitation period of any rights originated by the commercial relationship, with the sole exception of the need to extend this time limit in case of unsettled litigations.

The nature and purpose of the processing and consequences in case of refusal
Data conferment is necessary and, therefore, refusal to deliver data or part of them will cause the impossibility for the Controller to pursue the previously mentioned tasks.

Categories of recipients of the personal data
The Controller will not disseminate data but will communicate them to authorized persons due to their professional duties, including the Group Corporate Offices, Banks, Consultants, Employers’ Associations, Professionals, Service providers, Authorities, even in case of inspections and checks.
Those recipients, should they treat data in behalf of the Controller, will be appointed Controllers themselves, with a dedicated Legal Act or contract.

Transferring personal data to a third country and/or to an international Organization
Personal data will not be transferred abroad, neither to third Countries nor to international Organization.

The rights of data subjects
The concerned party has the right to ask the Controller to obtain access to its own personal data, to rectify them if incorrect, to erase them or limit the treatment, if presuppositions do apply, to oppose their treatment for the legitimate purposes of the Controller, as well as obtain the transferability of the data personally released, only if object of an automatic treatment, based upon consensus or a contract.
The concerned party has, as well the right to cancel the given consensus for the needed uses, without prejudice to what was done before the formal cancellation of the consensus.
To exercise its rights, the concerned party can use the form, available to this link :
and send it to the following mail
The concerned party has the right to propose a claim to the supervising Authority competent on this subject: Data protection supervisor (